
1、爱情里没有贱与不贱,只有爱与不爱 。
There is no base and no base in love, only love and no love.
2、只要心中有景、何处不是花香满径 。
As long as the heart has a view, where is not the full path of flowers.
3、或许你不是最好的,却是我最需要的 。
Maybe you are not the best, but what I need most.
4、时间能治愈一切,请给时间一点时间 。
Time can cure everything. Please give time a little.
5、对不起,我心脏太小,容不下耀眼的你 。
Sorry, my heart is too small for you.
6、莫名其妙的笑了,因为想起了你 。
Inexplicably smile, because think of you.
7、爱情的坟墓不是婚姻,而是各自的心 。
The grave of love is not marriage, but their hearts.
8、其实你要明白,这个年龄谁都不会是谁的一生 。
In fact, you have to understand that no one at this age will be his life.
9、没有拥抱没有亲吻,连眼神都是空空的 。
No hug, no kiss, no eyes.
10、我爱你,我信你,你骗我,是我活该 。
I love you, I believe you, you lie to me, I deserve it.
11、往事若能下酒,回忆便是一场宿醉 。
If the past can be drunk, the memory is a hangover.
12、繁华过后,我们终还是回不到过去 。
After the prosperity, we still can't go back to the past.
13、经历了那么多,我們还是回到了最初 。
After all that, we are back to the beginning.
14、绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记 。
Never mention it not because of forgetting, but because of remembering.
15、我没必要委屈自己去讨好任何人,况且我也没这么伟大 。
I don't have to put myself down to please anyone. Besides, I'm not so great.
16、我只想把你当我生命里的主角,仅此而已 。
I just want to take you as the main character in my life, that's all.
17、我用微笑掩饰心酸,可惜你从未看穿 。
I hide my sadness with a smile, but you never see through it.
18、对于爱情的等待,等于是慢性自杀 。
Waiting for love is chronic suicide.
19、天地是囚笼,而我们是时间的俘虏 。
Heaven and earth are cages, and we are captives of time.
20、最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长 。
The deepest and heaviest love must grow with time.
21、没有不吃腥的男人,只有善变的心, 。
There is no man who does not eat fishy food, only a fickle heart,.
22、十分冷淡存知己,一曲微茫度此生 。
Very cold and confidant, a faint life.
23、失去的东西,其实从来未曾真正地属于你,也不必惋惜 。
Lost things, in fact, never really belong to you, do not have to regret.
24、为什么我还是如此的担心你,即使你都已经不是我的 。
Why am I still so worried about you, even if you are not mine.
25、如果只是单相思,那么你不会受伤 。
If it's just lovesickness, then you won't get hurt.
26、我不会因为别人的一句话就放弃他 。
I won't give up someone for a word.
27、音乐单曲循环,我们在感同身受 。
Music single cycle, we are feeling the same.
28、疼都是别人给的,但伤都是自己好的 。
The pain is given by others, but the injury is good.
29、别让回忆的眼泪,朦胧了未来的路 。
Don't let the tears of memories dim the road of the future.
30、我要么就不付出,要么就是全部 。
I either don't give or I'm all.
31、经过时间旳推移,涐旳心只剩下回忆 。
After the passage of time, my heart is only left with memories.
32、一脸憔悴的面容 。一双哭红的眼睛 。
A haggard face. A pair of red eyes.
33、不受点伤,就不知道人心有多薄凉 。
If you don't get hurt, you don't know how thin and cool people are.
34、暗恋是哑剧,说出来就成了悲剧 。
Secret love is a pantomime, which becomes a tragedy.
Days will be dark, people will change, three points of love, seven points of deception, the road is still long, don't be too crazy, who will be brilliant in the future!
36、我还是以前的我,但是找不到原来的你 。
I am still the former me, but I can't find the original you.
37、我们温暖了彼此,心却还是靠不近 。
We warm each other, but the heart is not close.
38、我以为她是爱我的、可惜她是骗我的 。
I thought she loved me, but she lied to me.
39、所谓笨蛋,是多数人不能理解的天才 。
A fool is a genius that most people can't understand.
40、只要你在我附近、我就不会给你受伤 。
As long as you are near me, I will not hurt you.
41、我从没被谁知道,所以也没被谁忘记 。
I've never been known, so I've never been forgotten.
42、最悦耳的谎言最美丽,也最伤人 。
The most beautiful lies are the most beautiful and the most hurtful.
43、你若成功了,吃青菜那叫养生;你若失败了,吃青菜则叫寒酸 。
If you succeed, eating green vegetables is called health preservation; if you fail, eating green vegetables is called cold.
No matter how white the prince is, no horse is not prince charming!
45、那些向你倾诉的,现在却痛到了沉默 。
Those who tell you, but now pain to silence.
46、习惯了不习惯的,始终留不住你的心 。
Used to not used to, always can not keep your heart.
47、触碰感情的深处,我才读懂幸福 。
Touch the deep feelings, I can read happiness.
48、眼泪再滚烫,也唤不回迩的身影 。
Tears again hot, also can not call back your figure.
49、旧情人给的问候,比陌生人还要尴尬 。
The greeting from an old lover is more embarrassing than that from a stranger.
50、人生就想记忆,想忘记都不能忘记 。
Life is like remembering. You can't forget if you want to.
51、你越成熟就越像这个世界的孤儿 。
The more mature you are, the more orphaned you are.
52、决定忘记的人再见面就不要心潮澎湃了 。
Don't be upset when you decide to forget someone.
53、最初,最终,陌生,熟悉,再陌生 。
At first, at last, unfamiliar, familiar, unfamiliar again.
54、你哭你笑你闹,别玩了,洗洗睡吧 。
You cry, you laugh, you make trouble, stop playing, wash and sleep.
55、风景再美,没有你,如何称作为风景 。
No matter how beautiful the scenery is without you, how to call it as a scenery.
56、要和时间较量,是个愚蠢的决定 。
It's a stupid decision to compete with time.
57、没有一点儿疯狂,生活就不值得过 。
Life is not worth living without a little craziness.
58、就算自己在痛,我也会伪装的狠幸福的 。
Even if I am in pain, I will pretend to be very happy.
59、人只有一张嘴,却总能说出两面话 。
A man has only one mouth, but he always speaks two sides.
60、怀念当年的青春,怀念当年的心情 。
Miss the youth, miss the mood.
61、我喜欢你,无关风月 。我愿你好,即使后来你与我全然无关 。
I like you, not the moon. I wish you well, even if later you have nothing to do with me.
62、没能参与你的过去 。也错过了你的未来 。
Didn't get involved in your past. Also missed your future.
63、最愚蠢莫过于手贱去看影响情绪的东西 。
The stupidest thing is to look at things that affect emotions.
64、这个夏天很干净,没有故事没有你 。
This summer is very clean, no story without you.
65、人天自两空,何相忘,何笑何惊人 。
Man and nature are both empty. How can we forget each other? How can we laugh.
66、曾经拥有的,现在成了一片空白 。
Once owned, now a blank.
67、时间走得太快,我还并不想面对未来 。
Time goes so fast that I don't want to face the future.
68、一声低呼浅唤,娇羞了我如花的思念 。
A low shout shallow call, coquettish my flower like thoughts.
69、人不该太清醒,我们大多都是在迷雾中选择方向 。
People shouldn't be too conscious. Most of us choose our direction in the fog.
70、手机没电的时候最怕你找我,却忘了有电的时候你一次都没主动过 。
When the cell phone is dead, I'm afraid you're looking for me, but I forget that you didn't take the initiative once.
71、我终生的等待,换不 。来你刹那的凝眸 。
I'll wait for you all my life. Come to your eyes for a moment.
72、和一些人的关系像平行线,一辈子相守相望,见于眼底藏于心间 。
【抖音上最火的心酸英文句子】The relationship with some people is like a parallel line, which can be seen from the bottom of the eye to the heart.
