
1、不会哭 , 不会笑 , 累了我就会消失一下 。
Can't cry, can't laugh, tired I will disappear.
2、我对流年毫无愧疚 , 那么流年赠予我的遗憾将不存在 。
I have no guilt about LiuNian, so the regret that LiuNian gives me will not exist.
3、带着微笑远离是幸福的 , 所有的不舍 , 留给守候的那个人 。
With a smile away is happy, all not give up, to wait for that person.
4、真正属于自己的时间 , 是在和全世界说了晚安之后 。
The time that really belongs to me is after saying good night to the whole world.
5、话还没来得及说 , 也就不需要再去做一些没有意义的事情 。
You don't need to do something meaningless before you can say it.
6、记住不代表是永远 , 忘记不代表没发生 。
Remember that doesn't mean forever, forgetting doesn't mean it didn't happen.
7、你必须十分努力 , 才能看起来毫不费力 。
You have to work very hard to look effortless.
8、聊天记录都是你的消息 , 害怕看到 , 却又不舍得删掉 。
Chat records are all your news, afraid to see, but not willing to delete.
9、我们的回忆已经没有皱折 , 你却用离开烫下句点 。
Our memories have no wrinkles, but you use to leave the end.
10、我只是卑微的小丑 , 翻几个跟斗 , 就等你拍一拍手 。
I'm just a humble clown, turn a few somersaults, waiting for you to clap your hands.
11、太固执而盲目 , 忘了停下来心疼自己的无助 。
Too stubborn and blind, forget to stop to love their helplessness.
12、我与你相识的那些时间 , 是我一辈子的记忆 。
The time I met you is the memory of my whole life.
13、心远地自偏 , 问君何时恋 , 春风拂面橹上天!
Heart far from the bias, asked when you love, spring breeze blowing face scuba on the sky!
14、我以为我不会想你 , 可它却从身体每一处空隙钻出 。
I thought I wouldn't miss you, but it came out of every space in my body.
15、你走了真好 , 不然我还一直担心你会不会走 。
It's nice of you to go, or I've been worrying about whether you'll leave.
16、以前 , 你告诉我难过要说现在 , 我的难过你选择沉默 。
Before, you told me sad to say now, my sad you choose silence.
17、幸福 , 就是找一个温暖的人 , 过一辈子 。
Happiness is to find a warm person for a lifetime.
18、我的心在润土里干涸 , 没有感情 , 没有眼泪 。
My heart dried up in the moist soil, no feelings, no tears.
19、我要怎样、才能做你心中那个最完美的女人 。
How can I be the most perfect woman in your heart.
20、太害怕失去 , 所以、从一开始就不要拥有 。
Too afraid to lose, so, don't have it from the beginning.
21、越忙越精神 , 越懒越迷钝 , 生命在于折腾 。
The busier the more energetic, the lazier the more dull, life lies in tossing.
22、给我一个微笑 , 让我忘了你所有的不好 。
Give me a smile, let me forget all your bad.
23、我不再羡慕别人的爱情 , 因为我有你在身边 。
I no longer envy other people's love, because I have you by my side.
24、终于明白 , 原来爱 , 不是我爱你 。你就会爱我的 。
Finally understand, the original love, not I love you. You'll love me.
25、我弄丢了我的竹马 , 从此世界再无他的青梅 。
I lost my bamboo horse, and there is no green plum in the world.
26、我要学会坚强 , 我要学会一个人面对这残忍的世界 。
I want to learn to be strong, I want to learn to face this cruel world alone.
27、有没有一个人 , 是你用尽一生的力气都无法遗忘的她?
Is there a person who you can't forget with your whole life?
28、在爱情路上经历种种磨难的人 , 才会更懂得爱情珍惜爱情?
People who have experienced all kinds of hardships on the road of love will understand love better and cherish love?
29、等不到结局 , 我开始一个人漫无目的的追寻 。
Can not wait for the end, I began a person aimless pursuit.
30、我们在春风秋雨里无话不说 , 却在冬去春来时失去了联络 。
We have nothing to say in the spring breeze and autumn rain, but we lost contact with each other when winter goes and spring comes.
31、有的人 , 每天和你争吵 , 却不曾怪罪你 。
Some people argue with you every day, but never blame you.
32、过去的一页能不翻就不翻 , 翻落叻灰尘会迷叻双眼 。
The past page can not turn, turn down the dust will be lost in the eyes.
33、不要依赖别人 , 是你还有人可以依赖的时候才说的出来的 。
Don't rely on others, it's when you still have someone to rely on.
34、你没有付出 , 一份情是不可能永远等你 。
You do not pay, a love is not always waiting for you.
35、有了新欢 , 忘了旧爱 , 没想到连友情都能用上这句话 。
With a new love, forget the old love, did not expect that even friendship can use this sentence.
36、幸福的天堂 , 总得经历过死亡才能到达 。
The paradise of happiness must experience death.
37、我想做个单细胞生物 , 没心没肺的活着 。
I want to be a single celled creature and live heartlessly.
38、轻轻的对自己说不要哭 , 因为没有人在乎 。
Gently say to yourself don't cry, because no one cares.
39、不需要那么复杂、只需要你的一句我愿意 。
It doesn't need to be so complicated, just one sentence from you. I'd like to.
40、时间会冲淡这一切 , 距离也会让我们好过些 。
Time will dilute all this, and distance will make us feel better.
41、有些时候 , 沉默并不是无话可说 , 而是一言难尽 。
Sometimes, silence is not nothing to say, but endless.
42、如果说爱情是主谋 , 那么回忆将是我们凌迟处死的侩子手 。
If love is the mastermind, then memories will be our killers.
43、你可以委屈 , 可以痛哭 , 但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱 。
You can be wronged, you can cry, but don't let everyone see your vulnerability.
44、我永远都愿意当一个听众 , 安慰着你的痛 。
I would always like to be an audience to comfort your pain.
45、平静是因为有所决定 , 决定了要等下去 。
Calm is because there is a decision, decided to wait.
46、不要再等了 , 他不会回来了 , 其实你从一开始就知道 。
Don't wait. He won't come back. You know it from the beginning.
47、也许时间是一种解药 , 也是我现在所服下的毒药 。
Maybe time is an antidote and the poison I am taking now.
48、我已经无力再抗争 , 只想这样平静简单的生活着 。
I can't fight any more. I just want to live a peaceful and simple life.
49、习惯了孤独 , 所以走在人群中才会那么淡定 。
Used to loneliness, so walking in the crowd will be so calm.
50、要想躲避流言蜚语 , 最好的办法就是封闭自己的嘴 。
The best way to avoid gossip is to close your mouth.
51、陪你走完漫长马拉松的人是我 , 等在终点的却是别人 。
I'm the one who accompanies you through the long marathon, while others are waiting at the end.
52、我们终究错过 , 因为有些人在生命里就是用来错过的 。
We miss it after all, because some people are used to miss in life.
53、多一点快乐 , 少一点烦恼 。累了就睡觉 , 醒了就微笑 。
More happiness, less worry. Sleep when you are tired, smile when you wake up.
54、我笑并不代表我快乐 , 我哭真的说明我难过 。
【伤感的英文句子】I smile does not mean I am happy, I cry really mean I am sad.
55、如果真心去想想我们的未来 , 生活就会更加充满期待 。
If we really think about our future, life will be more full of expectations.
56、当删除键按下的那一刻 , 我们一起的回忆似乎也都不见了 。
When the delete key pressed the moment, our memories together seem to be gone.
57、生活最大的幸福就是 , 坚信有人爱着我 。
The greatest happiness of life is to believe that someone loves me.
58、有些人的爱 , 像风 , 看不到 , 却感受的到 。
Some people's love, like the wind, can not see, but feel.
59、心动么 , 也许那不过是一种真挚的感动 。
Heart? Maybe it's just a kind of sincere moving.
60、人生不易 , 尽显迷茫 , 往后余生 , 只我一人 。
Life is not easy, full of confusion, the rest of my life, only me.
